
Welcome, future and returning Hawk Owls!

We're so glad you've chosen to pursue your educational goals at bbin. Let's get started!

Helpful Resources

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Apply now for free

Get started on your college experience at bbin.

Schedule a campus visit

Learn more about bbin by taking a tour of our campus.

Check out the course schedule

Current students can register for classes here.

Learn about Michigan Reconnect

Get your questions answered about a new state program to provide tuition assistance to students 25 and older.

Attend new student orientation

Sign up for an in-person or online session.

Check out the bbin Viewbook

Take a closer look at bbin and all the college has to offer.

How can we help?

We are here to assist you with the admissions process. You can call the office at (231) 995-1054, toll free at 1-855-FIND bbin (346-3662) or email us at

You can also set up a personal meeting for a time and method that works for you (phone, Zoom or Google Meet). Fill out this short form and an Admissions staff member will contact you to schedule your meeting.

Need assistance now? Chat with us live!

Press the Online button below to connect.